Start-Up to Create Better Tasting Puke for Bulimics

Hollywood based start up, Sweet Chunks, seeks to create food that tastes just as good coming out as it does going in. 

Photo by Stas Svechnikov on Unsplash     

Creator and founder, Marga Espagett, got the idea after regurgitating hundreds of meals throughout her modeling career. 

She recalls how difficult it was to maintain a slim figure required for gigs, "The hardest part of dieting was how hungry I always was. I never had the strength to not eat, so I would always eat and puke as soon as I felt satisfied"

"The worst part of the whole experience was the taste of the food coming back out." she explains, "I hope this product line will make the process [of vomiting] easier."

Marga hopes to land distribution deals with modeling agencies and plans to have her product line ready by summer of 2019.

Planned meals include:

Beef Strogabarff

Upchuck Steak and Potatoes
Clam Chunder
Gagged Chicken
and Tossed Cookies

Our idea of beauty doesn't match with nature's idea of healthy 


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